Reading Challenges

Fall Reading 2017 – Herbstlesen: Day 5

Sorry I was offline most of yesterday. I had planned to write a bit more after coming back from the spinning meeting but I was really tired then, and so I just went to bed early.

This morning I slept in, and had a leisurely breakfast. I read a bit more of „Every Witch Way But Wicked*“ and downloaded samples of „Maim Your Characters“*, „The Paleo Thyroid Solution“* and „A Natural History of Dragons“*. The last one is all Winterkatze’s fault because she was talking about how much she loves the series on her blog.

I have already knitted a bit on the current garter stitch shawl but forgot to take a picture. Maybe later.

I hope you all have a very enjoyable fall reading day, I’ll be back later with updates.

Update 1.30:

Unfortunately the blog seems to have been offline most of the morning for no apparent reason. Which is why I couldn’t approve any comments as well.

In the meantime I talked a lot with my husband, and then we made lunch. Now I’m just about to pull out the crochet blanket again (to ward off the cold), and sit down with a cup of tea and a book. I will go back to fiction after I read through most of the „Paleo Thyroid Solution“ sample. I’m in two minds about the whole paleo thing. Mostly I’m thinking that human beings took a long time to evolve, and that we’re pretty well suited to eating all kinds of things now that didn’t exist 10,000 years ago. On the other hand I’m thinking that if it would really make me feel better not eating bread and pasta might be worth it.

I will probably end up buying the book, and then I can waffle some more. The information about how the thyroid works and such seems solid so far.

Update 8.40:

Spent the whole afternoon working on my crochet blanket and reading the witch book on and off. Still haven’t finished it. I also looked at reading samples of two guitar playing books, and helped my husband find the right screws and nuts for a vintage guitar amp online, as one does.

Then fried potatoes with eggs for dinner, and an episode of „Star Trek TNG“ and one of „How I Met Your Mother“ with my son while knitting.

A rather relaxing day all in all.

Now I’ll sign off and go to bed early to be ready for the next week.

It’s been nice participating again.

Links marked with an asterisk * are affiliate links. If you buy through them I get a tiny percentage at no additional cost to you, and that helps me keep up this blog.

6 replies on “Fall Reading 2017 – Herbstlesen: Day 5”

Wahrscheinlich sehr. Ich hatte übrigens schon auf “Kaufen” gedrückt, obwohl ich nur die Leseprobe haben wollte. Versuche gerade, das Buch zurückzugeben, mal sehen. (Ich wollte nämlich gerne erst einmal reinschauen, bevor ich dafür Geld ausgebe.)

Könnte Schicksal sein.

Jupp, könnte Schicksal sein. ;D

Dein Tag klingt wunderbar entspannt und Bratkartoffeln mit Ei würde ich auch schrecklich gern mal wieder essen. Dummerweise fehlt mir die Geduld sie perfekt zu braten.

Wir machen ständig Bratkartoffeln aus übriggebliebenen Kartoffeln, dann geht das total schnell.
Sieht so aus, als hätte Amazon das Buch zurückgenommen – wohl doch kein Schicksal…

Ich habe naiverweise immer nur daran gedacht, dass Autoren sich Informationen über Art und Dauer von Verletzungen von medizinischen Büchern u.o. Fachleuten holen. Dabei gibt es Spezialliteratur dazu.

Dieses Buch ist wohl das erste seiner Art und ich mag die Autorin sehr gerne. Sie hat ein Blog, auf dem es schon sehr informative Artikel gibt.

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