
And I am doing NaNoWriMo yet again

Last night I finished the last of the Eva Mandel trilogy.

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If everything goes according to plan newsletter subscribers will get a free prequel story before the end of the year and the first novel will be out at the beginning of next year.

In addition to that I am attempting to write 50,000 more words this month.

The eagle-eyes will see that it is already November 6. Yeah, things do not always go according to plan. Nothing major, though, just a big bout of procrastination last week.

Of course now things will go much better, I will write 2,000 words every day and everything will be fine.

I am hoping to update this here blog a little more often, stay tuned and see how that goes.

State of the Book Writing

Still not dead

Well, first of all NaNoWriMo did not go as expected. The last one was the first one ever that I attempted and didn’t „win“. I’d say there were two parts to it, one being the fact that I was sick for 2 1/2 weeks in November. As in having a cold and no energy whatsoever. I spent most of my days in bed waiting to get better. That is a valid reason for not writing much for sure.

But before that I had been struggling with not writing much for about a year already.

Now writing an average of 500 to 700 words per day sounds pretty good but for me it just doesn’t feel enough. First of all there are a lot of stories I want to tell and I don’t want to have to pull out an idea ten years later because I was writing so slow. Also, I do write pretty fast even with the „Writing in the Dark“-method so 700 words typically take me between 15 and 20 minutes.

Spending only fifteen minutes a day on the thing that you claim is most important to you? Slightly pathetic. Mind you, I don’t have day job that eats my whole day, no commute, I could easily devote an hour a day on writing if I only tried hard enough.

So I’m trying to remedy that and have so far written an average of 2,000 words a day for three days in a row.

The reason I didn’t write anything here on the blog was that I took the advice in „Blogging for Authors“ to heart to not fill my author blog with stories on how difficult writing is.

Since I’m still working on the trilogy (slowly) and since I want to finish all three books before publishing there isn’t much else to tell.

I do have plans for blog posts that aren’t on how hard writing is, though, and am hoping to not abandon this space for weeks at a time again.

Thanks for still reading this.

State of the Book

And NaNoWriMo begins again

Sorry for not posting in months. I’m still rather busy with the writing. I am currently on book two of the Eva Mandel series.

I’m doing NaNoWriMo again, this time as a rebel because I started this book a few weeks ago.

First few paragraphs of book two:

It was my first day coming back to the university after a week off. I only had spent one night in the hospital but the doctors had thought it best for me to rest instead of work.
I did resent that because I didn’t like not working but then I realized that they were only talking about not going in to teach. Nobody had said anything about research.

And I had to say that spending a week at home had been very nice. Now that I had my home back, my tiny little house, parked behind Katherine’s barn. I sat on my stoop with a cup of tea in my hands, looking at the woods.
I hadn’t dared to go in again so far but I couldn’t avoid it forever. I was a little scared of finding the clearing again where I had met that weird, magical creature. I was almost equally scared of going into the woods and finding out that there was no clearing. Or no creature.

I had had a lot of things to think about in the past week, not the least if it being my newfound ability to use magic. For thirty years I had been very sure that I was the least magically inclined person there could be and then things exploded in my face. Literally. When I started to work at the academy.

I’ll try and check in a little more often this month.

State of the Book

There might not be blog posts but there is writing

Well, all of that did not go quite as expected.

I started writing a new series in November. Finished the first draft of that, and immediately started writing the first book in yet another series.

And that’s the one I’m currently working on. I am hoping to finish that one by the end of the month but then I had hoped to finish it at the end of March – shrugs shoulders.

Anyways, here’s something from that story for you to read:

The inside view and the outside view never match up.

I was scared shitless.

The people I was going to meet would probably think me cold, arrogant, and completely unconcerned.

Story of my life.

I stood in front of the huge building that was housing the Academy of Supernatural Phenomena. It looked more like a castle than like a university. I was wearing a bright and shiny new white gown that showed my status as a member of the teaching staff. I had cursed whoever thought white was a good color for that. Not only was is impractical and hard to keep clean, it only made me looked all washed out and unwell.
And it didn’t go with anything I owned so I had to invest in a second capsule wardrobe just for my new job.

I thought back to when I had gotten the letter asking me to teach and do research here. Feeling wanted was a novel experience for me, and getting the psychology of magic-department started was important enough to trump my need for privacy and quiet.

From past experience I expected a lot of misunderstandings, and a lot of people offended, and a lot of dumb questions. But there was nothing to be done about it.

I walked up the stairs under the gothic arches and entered the dark entrance hall. It looked almost like a church. Maybe whoever built this thought that connecting the university with history – even if that connection was fake – would make it more respectable, more legitimate and more structured.

Right in the middle of the big hall was the statue of a grieving angel in white marble. “To those who have fallen in the service of magic,” it read. As if there had been a war.

Unlike a lot of the students studying here, I could remember a time without magic. A time when we thought that the supernatural was just something humanity had invented for pleasure, and to make sense of the world before science existed.

And then the Y2K problem had turned out to not be a computer failure but instead the return of magic to the world.

There are quite a few things that I’ve been wanting to write about here on the blog but I’m pouring all my writing time into writing fiction at the moment. I have also almost finished the posts for the „buy fewer books challenge“ for March and April, I only need to put in links which is a little ridiculous.

So. Back to the writing I go.


Forgotten posts

Just now I realized that – while I had written a post detailing my “buy fewer books”-challenge – I actually never posted it and the same with my challenge post for January.

Ugh. I’m sorry.

buy fewer books challenge

The “buying less books”-challenge in February

Well. All in all I bought fifteen books in February which is – too much. Four of those were free, one was 69 cents, and three were 99 cents. So it seems I still can’t resist a bargain.

The five free books were: „3 Breaths“ by L. K. Collins, „Public Speaking for Authors“ by Joanna Penn, and „Magical Machinations“ by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris. I think two of them were incentives for signing up for newsletters and „3 Breaths“ sounded really interesting when I read the blurb. And then there was „Emma Schumacher & Der verschwundene Professor“ which was written by a sewing blogger that I really like to read, and it was free.

Like many people I often don’t read those free books for ages or at all but I’m pretty sure I will read these.

The 69 cent-book was „Falling from the Sky“ by Sarina Bowen. As I said I’m enjoying her books tremendously and don’t want to pass any deals.

I had pre-ordered „Fast-Draft Your Memoir“ by Racheal Herron and „Queen of Gods“ by Scarlett Dawn and then I stumbled over a deal on the Orson Scott Card-book „The Worthing Chronicle“. There used to be a time when I would buy anything Card put out but I have moved away from science fiction in the past years. With „Queen of Gods“ I liked the sample chapter that I read, and since I really, really love Rachael Herron (I’m listening to all her podcasts) and since I have had this idea of a memoir in my head for years I thought I’d take advantage of the special low price for preorder.

Books that were allowed by my rules were: 

  • The third Amber Fang-book by Arthur Slade because I had already enjoyed the first two in the series and can’t wait to read the last one.
  • The Netscher Connection” by Estelle Ryan because it’s the next in the series. I have been making my way through the Genevieve Lenard-books slowly but steadily over the past few months. And I have to confess that I have already preordered the one that will come out in March.
  • The Emotion Thesaurus“ was on my list already, and I finally got it. Haven’t looked at it yet, though.

The books I bought even though they were not allowed by the rules (in addition to all those bargains) were:

  • Dean Wesley Smith: „Heinlein’s Rules“. After looking up his articles on the subject on his website for the third time in a row I caved and bought the whole thing so that I can reference it easier.
  • Kristine Kathryn Rusch: “The Pursuit of Perfection”. This was almost the same story. I felt that I needed to read this, and it has helped me, and I didn’t want to spend the time reading her whole blog.
  • Johann Hari: „Lost Connection“. I found an online article about this through an online friend and was totally blown away. I spent a weekend doing nothing but reading this book and thinking about our society and happiness and depression. I can’t recommend this book warmly enough. It did blow my mind.
  • Kristine Kathryn Rusch: „Familiarity“. Another book that I felt I needed right now. Bought it, and read through it in one sitting or so. I really like the stories. Another instance where marketing tricks were working on me. Rusch is putting a free story out on her website every Monday, and they often leave me wanting more.

So yeah, I definitely bought too many books in February. I do regret buying the Orson Scott Card because I probably won’t read it at all. Looking around me and thinking about all the projects I have taken on in my life I also just realized yet again that every book I buy is a project too. Every book means that I have made a promise to myself that I will spend several hours on it. I don’t have that many hours. I need to become more stingy with that.

On the other hand, just the thought that I have hundreds of wonderful books hanging around that I can read if I want makes me happy.

And I did read a lot. According to my notebook I read eighteen books in February. One of them was a reread, five of them were in Kindle Unlimited, and a lot of them were rather short.

For the first time in ages I started two books and decided not to finish them. They were both Kindle Unlimited books. I was about to slog my way through them until it occurred to me that I don’t need to. If something doesn’t appeal to me I don’t have to finish it.