Reading Challenges

Fall Reading 2017 – Herbstlesen: Day 4

So today I won’t be reading much, it will be a pretty full Saturday. But I still want to take part in the Herbstlesen event.

If everything goes as planned I’ll start the day with my first 8K-run, then I’ll take a shower, eat a really early lunch, and then I’ll ride my bike to a new-to-me spinning meeting, and spend most of the day there.

At the moment I’m reading the second book* in the „Wicked Witches of the West“-series of cozy mysteries. I found them through a writing podcast where the host mentioned a writer who puts out something like 29 books a year. Of mostly cozy mysteries with witches. Of course I had to check them out. As you can see I did like the first one enough to get the second one as well.

I woke up too early yet again, so I had some reading time in bed before getting up:

IMG 0924

I’m also still reading „The Braque Connection“*. I really like the series, and this book as well but the witches are fluffier and I have been feeling rather tired and overwhelmed this week so fluffy is very good.

I’m also very slowly making my way through „Why We Sleep“*. I’m just not that interested in where dreams come from and how they work, maybe I should just skip that part. I’m also just about to finish „Stick With It“* which promises a scientifically proven process for changing your life for good.

I’ll probably only update tonight because I won’t be home much but I’ll check in as I can. I’m leaving some cookies for you that I baked last night to take to the spinning meeting:

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Have fun reading!


Update 8.40:

Wifi will be turning itself off in a few minutes, so just a quick update. Running and riding my bike was really great today, the weather was gorgeous. Spinning meeting was very pleasant and nice with a lot of people I already knew, and a lot of people I met for the first time. I’ll definitely be back.

Cookies were well received, I brought a total of three cookies back home with me. I had put some aside for my husband and son before, though.

I haven’t read anything since breakfast which is rather unusual for me but after I came back home I had dinner with my family (no books at the table when eating with my husband – it’s a rule), and then I watched three episodes of „How I Met Your Mother“.

Now I am already pretty tired so I’ll read a bit more in the witch book before going to bed.

See you tomorrow!


Links marked with an asterisk * are affiliate links. If you buy through them I get a tiny percentage at no additional cost to you, and that helps me keep up this blog.

7 replies on “Fall Reading 2017 – Herbstlesen: Day 4”

Ein paar Kekse vorab zurückzulegen, war eine gute Idee offensichtlich. 🙂 Sie sehen (sahen?) auch lecker aus.

Schön, dass Dir das Treffen gut genug gefallen hat, dass Du wieder daran teilnehmen möchtest.

Die Kekse waren auch lecker. Leider kann ich keinen durchs Internet schieben, aber das Rezept findet sich auf Winterkatzes Blog zum Nachbacken.

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