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NaNoWriMo 2017 – Day 21


Today I wrote 3,604 words. I am now at 21,557. (And no, the NaNo widget in the sidebar does not show the right wordcount. I actually fiddled with it for half an hour or so, and didn’t get it to work, sorry.)

I woke up at 5, started writing at 5.30, and wrote ten minutes here and ten minutes there all throughout the day. I didn’t really feel like it but then that’s part of the deal. I can tell when I’m feeling fatigued while writing because there’s a lot of talk about cake then. I might have to edit some of that out later.

The other thing I managed was I installed a thingy where you can subscribe to my mailing list. I definitely won’t spam anyone, and I won’t send you a ton of emails, just in case that you’re interested in hearing about my books coming out or similar stuff you can sign up.

The whole setup is still pretty basic – well, I set it up in a short work break today, no fancy design – but at least there is a setup.

So I’d love it if you would sign up for that, of course.

Funny how the whole NaNo-thing looks a little more doable, only because I managed to not fall more behind once.

As I said – I am an optimist.

Published inNaNoWriMo