This will be the last weekend of the fall reading event for this year, so I thought I’d participate again even though I’ll be away from home for most of the day. I’m going to a spinning meeting again, leaving the house at 9.30 and back again around 4 or so. But there will be enough time for reading left, I’m sure.
I did read steadily along this week. I finished „A Witch’s Dark Craving“* and started the next in the series right away („A Shifter’s Fevered Heart“*) but then grew a little impatient with all romance all the way, and started reading „Murder Over Mochas“* by Caroline Fardig the minute it was published. I’m enjoying it very much, and am halfways through at the moment. It’s nothing earth-shattering, a cozy mystery, but well written and entertaining. The reason for the amateur sleuth being involved in all these murder investigations is even sound, and she goes from failed musician/restaurant manager to PI in the course of the series. And starts not acting all temperamental all the time. Of course she still ends up entangled in murder investigations, otherwise there wouldn’t be any mystery.
At the moment I’m slogging through „The Paleo Thyroid Solution“* which I want to finish before November 8th. It’s not really gripping my attention at the moment but then I’m basically in the „technical info-dump“-part of the book.
I’ve also contined reading „The Story Grid“ but again, not all that gripping. The author has a rather conversational tone with lots of anecdotes and I find myself drifting a lot. In between there are lists that I can never remember (I have started copying some of them out into my notebook because they actual are useful and important.) and graphics that I can’t decipher in my ebook edition. (That’s basically the only thing better in paper books, that it’s easier to read tables and graphs. But then I’m also dreaming of owning a nice big iPad pro for exactly that purpose and for reading magazines on it. Yes, I’m a dork.)
And I’ve pulled out „Take Off Your Pants“ another book about outlining because I wasn’t making progress with „The Story Grid“, and I really need to do some kind of outline for my next novel, and soon. Any method will be good as long as I actually get an outline out of it.
Did I tell you about my NaNoWriMo-project for this year? Not only am I going to write a complete novel in the month of November, I also will be blogging the novel while I write it here on my blog. Daily.
This will either be loads of fun, or a terrible mistake, probably both.
My grand plan is to write most of the novel in the first five days of November because that will be fall break for me, and my son will be away most of the time, and then I’ll write the rest during the second week. I will post a scene a day, roughly 1,500 words, so if I manage to pull ahead in the beginning this should only be reasonably stressful. Right?
Update 5.30:
I wouldn’t have thought that it would be so late until my first update, hm. The spinning meeting was very nice. I will order something different to eat the next time, though, because that breakfast didn’t quite agree with me. Eating out while fructose-intolerant is always, um, interesting. At least it’s not an allergy, I’ll just feel a little under the weather for a day or two.
I also took care of some family stuff after coming back home, and now I guess I’ll just cozy up with my crochet blanket and „Murder over Mochas“. I’m almost 60% through, so there will probably something interesting happening soon.
„The Paleo Thyroid Solution“ is just throwing names of minerals and vitamins at me, not the most captivating topic. But I guess it will get easier to read soon.
I’m sorry, no pictures today.
Links marked with an asterisk * are affiliate links. If you buy through them I get a tiny percentage at no additional cost to you, and that helps me keep up this blog.
Die Java-Jive-Mystery-Reihe klingt nett, auch wenn mir im Klappentext deines aktuellen Bandes etwas sehr oft das Wort “Ex” auftaucht. 😉
Viel Erfolg beim NaNoWriMo!
Das mit den Exen hat eine Vorgeschichte in der Serie und hat sich völlig logisch entwickelt. Die Gute hat nicht so das beste Händchen in Beziehungsfragen.
Aber ja, sehr nett und unterhaltsam.
Und danke für die guten Wünsche!
Irgendwie wird es doch immer später als gedacht. 🙂 Hab einen schön entspannten Abend mit deiner Häkeldecke und dem Roman. Dass sich die ganzen Ex-Beziehungen im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt haben, habe ich mir gedacht. Ich weiß trotzdem nicht, ob mir das gefällt. Und ja, natürlich hängt sowas immer vom Schreibstil ab. 😉