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Fall Reading 2017 – Herbstlesen: Day 4

So today I won’t be reading much, it will be a pretty full Saturday. But I still want to take part in the Herbstlesen event.

If everything goes as planned I’ll start the day with my first 8K-run, then I’ll take a shower, eat a really early lunch, and then I’ll ride my bike to a new-to-me spinning meeting, and spend most of the day there.

At the moment I’m reading the second book* in the „Wicked Witches of the West“-series of cozy mysteries. I found them through a writing podcast where the host mentioned a writer who puts out something like 29 books a year. Of mostly cozy mysteries with witches. Of course I had to check them out. As you can see I did like the first one enough to get the second one as well.

I woke up too early yet again, so I had some reading time in bed before getting up:

IMG 0924

I’m also still reading „The Braque Connection“*. I really like the series, and this book as well but the witches are fluffier and I have been feeling rather tired and overwhelmed this week so fluffy is very good.

I’m also very slowly making my way through „Why We Sleep“*. I’m just not that interested in where dreams come from and how they work, maybe I should just skip that part. I’m also just about to finish „Stick With It“* which promises a scientifically proven process for changing your life for good.

I’ll probably only update tonight because I won’t be home much but I’ll check in as I can. I’m leaving some cookies for you that I baked last night to take to the spinning meeting:

IMG 0928

Have fun reading!


Update 8.40:

Wifi will be turning itself off in a few minutes, so just a quick update. Running and riding my bike was really great today, the weather was gorgeous. Spinning meeting was very pleasant and nice with a lot of people I already knew, and a lot of people I met for the first time. I’ll definitely be back.

Cookies were well received, I brought a total of three cookies back home with me. I had put some aside for my husband and son before, though.

I haven’t read anything since breakfast which is rather unusual for me but after I came back home I had dinner with my family (no books at the table when eating with my husband – it’s a rule), and then I watched three episodes of „How I Met Your Mother“.

Now I am already pretty tired so I’ll read a bit more in the witch book before going to bed.

See you tomorrow!


Links marked with an asterisk * are affiliate links. If you buy through them I get a tiny percentage at no additional cost to you, and that helps me keep up this blog.

Published inReading Challenges


  1. 29 Bücher pro Jahr? Wie dünn sind die? 😉

    Mmmh, die Kekse sehen gut aus, davon hätte ich jetzt gern einen. Viel Spaß beim Spinnen!

  2. natira natira

    Ein paar Kekse vorab zurückzulegen, war eine gute Idee offensichtlich. 🙂 Sie sehen (sahen?) auch lecker aus.

    Schön, dass Dir das Treffen gut genug gefallen hat, dass Du wieder daran teilnehmen möchtest.

    • susannewinter susannewinter

      Die Kekse waren auch lecker. Leider kann ich keinen durchs Internet schieben, aber das Rezept findet sich auf Winterkatzes Blog zum Nachbacken.

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